4 Tips All Writers Can Use

Slattery - headshot2013cToday, Jennifer Slattery is offering four tips that all writers can use.  Jennifer writes soul-stirring fiction for New Hope Publishers.  Her debut novel, Beyond I Do, was released last summer and her latest, When Dawn Breaks, released in December. Here’s Jennifer’s tips.


Anyone can pound words onto the screen, but it takes skill and practice to craft an engaging story. To do that, writers need to:

  1. Give our readers credit.

In our desire to make our readers understand us, catch any foreshadowing, and correctly read intended emotions, we may be tempted to over-explain. And repeat ourselves.


And again.

There’s nothing worse than reading something numerous times, even if it’s reworded. Give your readers credit and expect them to pick up on your message the first time. Most of them will and will feel quite proud at having done so.

  1. Be original.

This applies to big-picture content as well as words and phrases. Avoid clichés and find unique ways to state things instead. I’ve read about way too many stomach flutters and racing pulses. The occasional stomach upset is okay, but skilled writers go beyond the common descriptions, perusing psychological sites and body language books to find other equally telling, less clichéd physiological responses.

Keep your readers guessing. If they know what we’re going to say or how the conflict will resolve before they finish the book, why should they finish it? This can be difficult for romance writers. When crafting a romance, the novelist needs to move the story toward an emotionally satisfying ending. But you still need to avoid eye-glossing predictability. As your hero and heroine move toward happily-ever-after, throw a few obstacles in their way. Create a reader expectation then flip things. Give readers a reason to turn that next page… otherwise they won’t.

  1. Address a felt need.

If you want people to talk about your books, articles, and blog posts (i.e., if you want to generate a book-selling buzz), you need to touch their heart. What do people long for and how can you bring that into your writing? Have one of your main characters struggle with something we can all relate to. For example, your hero could be nearing a mid-life crisis. What does he need? Purpose? A dream to believe in? Something to live for? Or perhaps your heroine is lonely, or lugging around baggage and longing for freedom.

But again, don’t slam your reader over the head with this. Instead, weave hints throughout your novel, perhaps a glance toward a fun-loving couple, a tear after reading an emotive poem, a sifting through old mementoes.

Remember, you’ve got an entire novel to introduce your characters to your readers. By itself, each clue may seem insignificant, but over the course of a story, they paint a vivid picture.

  1. Make sure every word packs a punch.

Slattery-cover-WhenDawnBreaks-cThe best writing is clear and concise. Why take two paragraphs to say something that can be stated in one? Why use ten words when five will do? For example, spoke softly can become whispered. Nodded her head simply nodded. Do we need to know a smile “graced her lips”? Where else would a smile appear? On her foot?

Speaking of clarity, whenever possible, use words that evoke images or stir emotions. For example, don’t tell us he sat in the shade of the tree. Name the tree so we can see it, and if she’s flustered, have her “plop down”. If she’s sad, maybe she “slid to the ground”.

Great writing takes work, knowledge, and perseverance. Select each word, each plot or idea, carefully, and take the time to get to know your reader. Address a felt need and do so with creativity, immersing your reader in your book and giving them every reason to turn that next page. Doing so will add punch and emotive value to your work which in turn will create a loyal readership.

JIM:  Thanks, Jennifer.  Good points to keep in mind when writing.  Here are some links where you can find out more about her new novel.  and below the links is a blurb on her latest novel, When Dawn Breaks.

On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/When-Dawn-Breaks-A-Novel/dp/1596694238/

 On Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/when-dawn-breaks-a-novel-jennifer-slattery/1120694122?ean=9781596694231

 On CBD: http://www.christianbook.com/when-dawn-breaks-a-novel/jennifer-slattery/9781596694231/pd/694231

 When Dawn Breaks:

As the hurricane forces Jacqueline to evacuate, her need for purpose and restitution propel her north to her estranged and embittered daughter and into the arms of a handsome new friend. However, he’s dealing with a potential conspiracy at work, one that could cost him everything, and Jacqueline isn’t sure if he will be the one she can lean on during the difficult days ahead. Then there are the three orphans to consider, especially Gavin. Must she relinquish her chance at having love again in order to be restored?

Read a free, 36-page excerpt here: http://issuu.com/newhopedigital/docs/slattery_sampler/1






17 thoughts on “4 Tips All Writers Can Use

  1. Great post, Jennifer. Sorry I’m late chiming in. I appreciate all of your suggestions, and I agree that sometimes we need to specify a type of tree instead of just saying “a tree”. That applies to so many things. Let the reader picture what they’re reading. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    • Hi, Marja,

      You’re not late. That’s the beauty of the Internet; folks can join the conversation when it’s most convenient for them. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving an encouraging comment, and best of luck in your writing career!

  2. I like that your first tip was to respect your reader. Haven’t we all gotten frustrated with writers who treat a reader as if she or he couldn’t possibly understand a point, so it is repeated over and over?

  3. Good suggestions. I especially like your suggestion about language. I write children’s picture books. Here ever word counts as you must tell a story in 1000 words or less. Of course, there are images to help the story, setting and characterization along. Beryl

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