Debut Author Tells How She Did It

Today, we’re visiting with Patricia Gligor, whose debut novel is due out April 17. Hi, Patricia. Let’s start at the beginning. When did you decide to be a writer, and when did you actually start writing?

Patricia:  Jim, I wrote a poem when I was ten years old, submitted it to my Sunday school magazine and, to my delight, they published it. The second I saw my first “byline,” I was hooked for life. I wrote poetry through my teens and short shorts and short stories after that. Prior to writing Mixed Messages, I attempted to write two other novels (not mysteries) but they didn’t hold my interest long enough for me to complete them.

JRC:  You first book, Mixed Messages, is releasing in a couple of weeks.. How long did it take you to write it? Were there any significant points along the road to finishing it?

Patricia:  We’re talking about a long, rocky road. It took me ten years to complete Mixed Messages and to find a publisher. It took that long because I didn’t make my writing career a priority. Through the years, I always made time to write but I did nothing in the way of marketing. You might say, in the past year, I’ve been playing “catch up,” attempting to create an online presence. Now, when you Google my name, you’ll get lots of hits and that’s what publishers look for.

JRC:  I did Google you and you’re right. First page – all you. So, tell us a little about the book.

Patricia:  I think the best way to describe Mixed Messages is through the blurb from the back of the book.

It is estimated there are at least twenty to thirty active serial killers in the United States at any given time. There’s one on the loose on the west side of Cincinnati.

 It’s the week of Halloween and Ann Kern struggles with several issues. Her primary concern is her marriage which, like her west side neighborhood, is in jeopardy. Her husband is drinking heavily and his behavior toward her is erratic. One minute, he’s the kind, loving man she married and, the next minute, he’s cold and cruel.

 Ann dismisses a psychic’s warning that she is in danger. But, when she receives a series of ominous biblical quotes, she grows nervous and suspicious of everyone, including her own husband.

 As the bizarre and frightening events unfold, Ann discovers a handmade tombstone marked with her name, pushing her close to the edge. Will she be the Westwood Strangler’s next victim?

JRC:   Wow. I get chills thinking about that. You’ve said this is the first in the Malone Series, but it looks like Ann Kern is the protagonist. Am I reading that wrong?

Patricia:  Ah, gotcha! Ann’s maiden name is Malone (she’s Irish) and her sister, Marnie Malone, plays an important role in the series. There’s more to it than that but you’ll have to read the book to discover what other significance the name “Malone” has.

JRC:   And with that introduction, we’ll all be reading it as soon as it appears. So, where does the second book of the Malone series stand? Outlined? Started? Completed?

Patricia:  The second book in the series is Unfinished Business. I’d say the book is completed but I still have some rewriting and editing to do.

JRC:  Which brings me to the next question. Do you outline? Do you do character bios, and if you do, how extensive are they?

Patricia:  Yes! I do a chapter-by-chapter outline for each book, listing what absolutely must happen in that chapter and any other elements that I don’t want to forget to include. My character bios are lists of important physical characteristics, dates relevant to the character, etc. I wouldn’t want a character to have blue eyes in one chapter (or novel) and green eyes in another.

JRC:  What’s the future hold for your writing – continue the Malone series or branch out?

Patricia:  I definitely plan to continue my Malone series as long as my characters have important things to say and do. At some point, down the road, I think I’d like to do another mystery series but, right now, writing one series is enough for me to handle.

JRC:  What can you tell us about yourself or your writing that we won’t find on your blog site?

Patricia:  My brother tells me that I’m a “bottom line” kind of girl and he’s right. I tend to wade through information and then quickly condense it down to the most basic elements. For example, when I worked as an administrative assistant, Corporate would send us pages and pages of instructions on how to implement whatever program was the latest. I would read what they’d sent, figure out the simple way to do it and then type up a one-page instruction sheet, which I then shared with the other AAs in our district. My motto: Keep It Simple. Not always easy to do in today’s world but I continue to try!

JRC:  Any sage advice you can give us to help move us along in our writing career.

Patricia:  Absolutely! Make your writing career your #1 priority. Don’t let “life” get in the way; use it to create your stories.

JRC:  Thanks, Patricia, for giving us some insight into your writing and a peak into what sounds like a page-turner book. Mixed Messages will be released on April 17th and available at and To pre-order (and avoid shipping charges) here’s the link:

15 thoughts on “Debut Author Tells How She Did It

  1. I like your determination and sticktoativity. What a nice result of all that work. I look forward to reading your new book.

    Marta Chausée

  2. So great to see one Posse member interviewed by another. I always enjoy learning more about all of you. You must be thrilled with the book coming out, Pat. Like Melanie, I appreciate your dedication and determination in carrying through on your novel. Good luck!

  3. Patricia, you have one of the most important qualities to be a published author: determination, or maybe it’s just plain stubbornness. To stick with your manuscript over 10 years is an inspiration to all of us. No mixed message about that! Congratulations.

    • Melanie,
      Oh, I’m definitely a determined person but I can also be stubborn so who knows? 🙂 I’m just glad I stopped letting life get in the way of my writing career and got serious! Glad you stopped by!

  4. I can’t wait to read your book. It’s great to learn more about you. I’m with you about keeping it simple.

    Your advice about not letting life get in the way? I just went back to work, so I’ll let you know how that works for me. : )

    • Marja,
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Yes, I’m a firm believer in keeping things as simple as possible. Unfortunately, the world we live in is a complicated place. We can keep trying though!
      Good luck with the new job! Keep me posted.

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